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the importance of chewing

12 Nov

PrintChewing your food is more important that you think!  Did you know that chewing is the first step in the process of digestion?

When we chew our food, our bodies are better able to absorb the nutrients, and digest the food we eat, providing us with the energy we need to function well through out the day. Chewing your food thoroughly also leads to a healthier digestive system.

When we chew, our bodies release enzymes in our saliva that help break down food, and convert it into energy. Chewing helps prevent our stomachs from doing all of the work of digesting the food we are eating. So the next time you are eating, try to focus on each and every bite.

Here is a helpful suggestion “chew your food completely until it is small enough and dissolved enough to be swallowed with ease. A good rule of thumb is as follows: if you can tell what kind of food you are eating from the texture of the food in your mouth (not the taste), then you haven’t chewed it enough. For example, if you are chewing broccoli and you run your tongue over the stalk and can tell that it is still a stalk or over the floret and you can still tell that it is still a floret, don’t swallow. You need to keep on chewing until you can’t tell the stalk from the floret.”

For more information on how to improve your digestive health, check out this link that discusses how digestion is the cornerstone of wellness and longevity.

Happy chewing to all!

Photo courtesy of